My Role: Creative Director / Art Director / Lead Product Designer

Longevity Music PR

Longevity was a boutique Music PR firm that specialized in promoting independent musicians and artists. The agency was in business for 5 years and had experienced steady growth but needed to expand its reach to keep up with the increasingly competitive landscape of the music industry.

To achieve this goal, the agency has decided to create a new brand identity and website to better communicate its value proposition to potential clients and partners.

Brand Creation, Squarespace Website Design & Build


With a new brand identity and website that effectively communicated the agency's value proposition to potential clients, The agency was able to attract new clients and partners, and its reputation in the music industry continued to grow.

The new website featured a modern and clean design that emphasized the agency's personalized approach to PR and its track record of successful campaigns.

The website was optimized for easy navigation, and potential clients could easily view case studies and contact the agency.

The new brand identity featured a bold and distinctive color scheme and typography that resonated with the agency's target audience.


CBRE Capital Flow


Lego Sustainability